Breast Reduction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Breast Reduction Surgery (reduction mammaplasty) is a plastic surgery procedure that reduces the size of the large breasts by removing excess breast tissue and excess fat.

It usually includes lifting the breasts too. It’s a very popular and common procedure nowadays.

Before and After Photos


Our patients are women who decide on this kind of cosmetic surgery for many various reasons.

First, large breasts don’t always mean beautiful breasts and a beautiful body. It’s more about proportions and shape. Some women can’t accept the way their breasts look and they decide on breast reduction surgery because it removes excess tissue and skin to achieve a breast size they want.

Next, large breasts can often cause some health problems such as back, neck, and shoulder pain. In most cases, the breast reduction procedure solves these problems.

Large breasts may also cause difficulty with exercise as well as difficulty in fitting in clothes as well as self – consciousness.

If you’re considering breast reduction surgery it’s very important to find the best plastic surgeon nyc, board certified, who will tell you all about this procedure, its’ risks, and its benefits. If you live in New York City, Park Plaza plastic surgery center from New York City with doctor George Lefkovitz as lieder is a very good choice.

Ideal Age

The age range for the breast reduction procedure varies from young to older age. More often it is performed on patients who have finished their pregnancies. But the severity of the symptoms may necessitate the procedure even as young as late teenagers.

Postponing Surgery

Some women want to wait for surgery until they finish expanding their family and breastfeeding their babies. Breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery can be really challenging but not impossible. The professional and experienced plastic surgeon can work with techniques that increase the possibility of breastfeeding. It’s a matter of personal choice.

If an overweight woman is considering breast reduction surgery because she wants to reduce the size of her big breasts, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to try first with reducing her weight. Sometimes losing weight reduce the breast size.

reduction mammaplasty near me

Complications And Risks

Like any procedure, there may be possible complications following Breast Reduction. These may include:

  • scarring,
  • bleeding,
  • infection
  • decreased or loss of nipple sensation
  • inability to breastfeed
  • opening of the wound
  • breast asymmetry
  • partial or complete loss of nipple and need for revision


The first step you should take after the first thought of breast reduction surgery is to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Lefkovits here on this website or call us at (212) 750-9494.

At the first consultation, the doctor will ask you about the reason for the operation. You will continue to talk about your current general health and lifestyle. He will ask you about your wishes and expectations when it comes to surgery.

Then, the surgeon will explain to you how the operation is performed, what preparations you need to make, how the recovery will go, and tell you all about the postoperative lifestyle.

In the end, you will talk about the financial plan and options.


The total price of breast reduction surgery depends on many factors such as:

– who operates (a plastic surgeon’s experience and reputation have a significant impact on the final price)

– on the type of procedure (some types cost more than others)

– on the physical location of the clinic.

In the total price, you should also include the fee for anesthesia, surgical facility costs, medications, and the postoperative period in the clinic.

Before this procedure, talk to a plastic surgeon about the best financial plan so that there is no confusion afterward. 

In the end, keep in mind that your satisfaction after the procedure is more important than the final costs.

Insurance Options

If breast reduction surgery is induced, it should be covered by health insurance. But first, check with your insurance company whether it covers it and what the requirements are.

If the surgery is done as cosmetic surgery in most cases you will pay for it on your own.


  • Aetna
  • BlueCross BlueShield
  • UnitedHealthcare
  • UnitedHealthcare Oxford
  • GHI Insurance
  • ChoiceCare Network PPO
  • Empire Plan
  • Health New England
  • Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey


Surgery Preparation

Don’t worry, the doctor will introduce you to everything related to the preparation for the surgery.

He will probably ask for a mammogram before the operation so as certain necessary analyzes.

He will give you instructions on eating, drinking, and taking medication just before the surgery.

breast reduction procedure near me

Before the procedure

  • quit smoking as soon as possible
  • organize help. If you go home the same day as the surgery is performed (which is most likely the case), arrange for someone to pick you up and help you at the beginning of recovery
  • get appropriate support garments that you’ll use on the doctor’s recommendation for the first few days after the procedure
  • get the necessary medication that you’ll use after the procedure (prescribed by a doctor)

Surgery Steps


Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, either in the hospital or the office operating room.


The procedure involves making 2 or 3 surgical incisions depending on the breast size and preference of the surgeon. There are two incision patterns.

  • An incision around the areola with a line down. This is how we perform most operations.
  • For patients with extremely large and hanging breasts where it’s necessary to remove more breast tissue, an incision is made in the shape of an anchor or inverted T.Drains are often used but can be removed within 1-2 days.

Removing Breast Tissue, Lifting And Shaping

When an incision is made, the surgeon removes excess breast tissue just below the skin, and lifts and shapes it. The areola is reduced by removing excess skin. In the case of very big breasts, the areola and nipple must be repositioned.


The results of this plastic surgery are visible immediately.


Recovery from breast reduction surgery generally goes easy without some complications. Mild swelling and bruising are possible but this is normal and will go away in a few days.

It’s necessary to take leave from work. Two weeks would be the best. During this period, it’s necessary to protect the breasts and avoid some major activities. The doctor will probably recommend the use of elastic bandages to support the breasts while they are recovering and to protect them even more.

Breast Reduction Scars

This kind of surgery leaves permanent scars. For the first few months, they are going to be red. Later, they are going to fade.

Good thing is that the scars are usually beneath the areola and the clothes and swimming suits will cover the scars.

In the end, they are techniques that can reduce these scars. Talk with the plastic surgeon. It’s important to know these things in order for you to be fully satisfied.


If you’re thinking about breast reduction surgery, you are at the right place. Give us a call at (212) 750-9494 or visit us at 9 east 62nd st, New York, NY 10065 for a free consultation with Dr. Lefkovits.


Is there a lot of pain post-operatively?

As with most operations, there must be some pain, but it usually lasts 1-2 days and then subsides. Pain killers are prescribed which can be used initially after which Tylenol is suggested.

Is Nipple Sensitivity Affected?

Patients with large breasts have no sensitivity to start with, so obviously, this surgery won’t affect them. Women with good pre-op sensitivity to the nipples may lose or retain sensitivity. It’s important to know this.

Can Women Breastfeed After a Breast Reduction?

Patients are informed that they most likely will not be able to breastfeed after the surgery. Having said that, some studies suggest that there is a 30% chance of being able to breastfeed post-op.

When Can You Return to Work?

Return to work depends on the healing, extent of the reduction as well as the type of work. Most patients may return to non-strenuous work after 7-10 days. Strenuous work will most likely require a longer period of recuperation