Hair Transplant

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

What Is Hair Transplant?

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Hair transplant (also known as hair restoration or hair loss treatment) is a procedure whereby hair follicles (donor grafts) are transferred from an area of the scalp that contains dense hair (usually the back of the head and sides) into thinning or bald areas (recipient site).

Before and After Photos

Both men and women come to our Manhattan plastic surgery center seeking natural hairline results. Look at before and after photos of our satisfied male and female patients:

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Hair Restoration Park Plaza
Hair Restoration for women nyc
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What Causes Hair Loss?

Besides genetics, which stands for the most common cause of baldness in both men and women, there are other factors included in hair loss, such as:

  • Stress;
  • Hormonal conditions;
  • Radiation therapy;
  • Hair treatments and styling;
  • Aging;
  • Particular supplements and medications, as a side effect;

Ideal Candidate

Hair loss treatment is suitable for both men and women. The first signs you may be a good candidate include:

  • your hair is falling out or thinning;
  • your hairline is receding
  • you have noticed low hair density in certain areas;

Some of the signs mentioned above, as well as feeling less confident and attractive, make you a good candidate for this procedure.

Types of Male Pattern Baldness

While there have been many classifications proposed for male pattern baldness, well-known and the most popular one is the Norwood Classification introduced in 1975. This classification is predicated on progressive thinning of the temple and crown areas. These thinning areas slowly progress to encompass the entire top of the scalp. The classification progresses from Type 1-Type 8, with the most severe stage of hair loss being Type 8.

Types of Male Pattern Baldness- The Norwood Scale

About the procedure

Before the procedure

Before your procedure, our hair transplant surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits will need to get a detailed medical history from you, especially regarding baldness in your family, as well as the current progression you have seen in your own hair loss.

Most important, perhaps, is understanding your expectations and appreciating which bald areas are “the most irritating”. If you have pursued other hair restoration treatments, it is important that you share those with our plastic surgeon, even if those treatments were unsuccessful.

Hair Transplant Procedure

The procedure is usually done in one or two stages about six months apart.

A careful evaluation is made of the donor site in the back of the scalp to ascertain both the quality of the hair and its extent as a donor site. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, with or without sedation. Strips of hair are removed from the back of the scalp. These are then cut into tiny one-hair grafts and three-hair grafts, inserted into the bald areas via slits in the scalp.

When speaking about hair grafts, it is important to understand the differences among them:

  • standard graft consists of up to 40 hairs;
  • mini graft has 5 to 12 hairs;
  • micro graft has 1 to 4 hairs.

Typically, a mini graft is used for larger balding areas, while a micro graft is used commonly at the hairline.

Transplant Techniques Offered

man concerned about hair loss and thinking about hair restoration in new york

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

Also known as the strip method, this hair transplant technique includes the removal of a donor strip from an area of the non-balding scalp in the back and/or sides of the scalp.

A strip of over an inch in width is removed by the surgeon under local anesthesia. The defect resulting from the excision is then closed by the surgeon leaving a linear scar that usually heals well and is hidden by the existing hair.

The strip is then cut into small follicular units of 1-4 hairs under magnification by experienced hair technicians. They are then inserted into the thinning or bald areas after making tiny slits in these sites which accept the grafts.

FUT hair transplant procedure near me

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This hair transplant technique involves the removal of follicular units directly through the use of micro-punches, leaving tiny dots in the donor site which usually heal very well without leaving a linear scar.

There are essentially three FUE techniques:

Manual Punch—In:

This hair transplant technique manually extracts the follicles using a micro-punch.

SAFE Scribe:

In this technique, a rotating motorized punch is used to facilitate the extraction instead of manually removing each hair graft.


The entire process is automated. The machine both removes the grafts and inserts them as well. This considerably speeds up the process and doesn’t require the extensive skills and experience needed using the prior two methods. On the contrary, the extraction process can be traumatic to the grafts and result in a less successful overall result.

FUE hair transplant procedure near me

Which method to choose – FUT or FUE?

Choosing between Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) depends on the experience and preference of the hair transplant surgeon, as well as the preference of the patient.

The FUT (strip technique) is faster and may provide more grafts but at the expense of a linear scar. Patients who clip their hair in the back of the scalp may want to use the FUE extraction method instead.

The FUE extraction method has become a more popular technique because it leaves very minimal scarring. On the other hand, it is more time-consuming and thereby more expensive than the strip method.

Possible Risks and Complications

As with any other surgical procedure, there are risks associated with surgical hair restoration. These risks could be minimized by wisely choosing an experienced hair transplant specialist.

Complications after hair transplantation are usually minor and may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Temporary numbness of the treated area
  • Itching
  • Shock loss or temporary loss of the transplanted hair
  • Unnatural result (especially of the hairline, if not designed properly)

Recovery Process

On a Day Of the Surgery

You will start taking antibiotics and will continue taking them for another 4 days. Additional medications to lessen the swelling would be offered to you as well. Pain medication could also be prescribed to you, although most times “Tylenol” is sufficient. You may experience temporary soreness.

When Can I Return To Work and Daily Activities?

Returning to work is possible within two to three days.

Most patients can return to non-strenuous work after a few days.

When Can I Start Washing My Hair Again?

You are able to start washing your hair without robbing within a few days after the hair transplant.

Is It Normal For Transplanted Hair to Fall Out?

It is completely normal for some transplanted hair to fall out within 2-3 weeks after surgery. This allows for new hair growth. Many plastic surgeons prescribe “Minoxidil” to patients, which decreases hair fallout and improves hair growth.

Full Result

New hair growth can be seen within 3 months. The full result could be seen approximately 9 months after the procedure.

Hair Transplant Cost In NYC

The price of a hair restoration procedure in New York City varies depending on different factors. Some of them include:

  • the degree of thinning the patient has;
  • the hair transplant technique used (FUT or FUE);
  • the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted.

At Park Plaza Hair Transplant NYC Center, the price is starting at $5500.  Please call (212) 750-9494 for a FREE in-office consultation to get an exact cost for your hair transplant surgery.

You can check the Financing options that are available here.

Schedule a Free Hair Transplant Consultation

At Park Plaza Hair Transplant NYC Center, the price is starting at $5500.  Please call (212) 750-9494 for a FREE in-office consultation to get an exact cost for your hair transplant surgery.

You can check the Financing options that are available here.