
At Park Plaza Plastic Surgery and Hair Restoration Center, we want our patients to get the services they desire. Everyone deserves to enjoy the benefits of their desired plastic surgery treatments. To help patients finance their procedures, we work with ALPHAEON Credit, United Medical Credit and CareCredit. Our plastic surgeon and team also accept cash, check and credit.

If you have any questions about financing your plastic surgery procedure with Dr. George Lefkovits, we recommend calling our office at (212) 750-9494. One of our team members can talk to you about costs and financing to help you get the treatments you want. We can work with you to create a low-cost financing plan that fits within your budget.

We perform exceptional plastic surgery and hair restoration procedures in New York, New York, serving patients across the country with our state-of-the-art care.

You can apply online by clicking on the links below to see if you are approved.

Financing Options
Financing Options
Financing Options
Financing Options