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Achieving Balance in Body Contouring

Women often present for cosmetic surgery of a particular part of their body, i..e, breast augmentation, without considering how that body part improvement may affect the rest of their of their body contour.

For patients seeking breast augmentation an examination of their derriere would be appropriate to see if an enhancement of their butt would help balance out the their newly enlarged chest size. The same may apply to the chest and the abdomen. One cannot separate the two and make believe that the other part doesn’t exist. This is very applicable for example in Mommy Makeover where the abdomen and breasts are both attended to in the form of a Tummy Tuck and Breast Lifting with or without augmentation.

It is up to the plastic surgeon to point balance out to the patient. But ultimately it is up to the patient to accept the suggestion and to agree to undergo the added procedure ( s). While it is preferable to undergo both procedures simultaneously so as to avoid 2 separate anesthesias as well as 2 different periods of recuperation and time off from work, it may not always be feasible.

Reasons for the above may include health compromises, financial constraints or simply fear by the patient. If this is the case, balanced surgery may be achieved as a second stage as long as a discussion of balance was carried prior to the initial surgery.

If you have further questions about body contouring, please contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits today to schedule your consultation. We provide state-of-the-art body contouring and liposuction procedures to patients throughout the NYC area. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.