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Breast Reduction For Back Pain Problem

Many women experience chronic back pain for various reasons, and shoulder and neck pain is present evenly as well. You may be thinking that the main cause is spending a lot of time in front of a computer, sitting still for eight hours or even more, but there are other factors included. One of the causes is large breasts – a medical condition that can activate persistent pain and discomfort, especially in the back.

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most requested surgical procedures in our Park Plaza Plastic Surgery Center. It helps women who suffer from very large or heavy breasts. There are many reasons for wanting breast reduction surgery, including pain and discomfort being on the top of the list.

The Main Reasons For Breast Reduction

Discomfort present due to the size and shape of the breasts, medical issues such as neck pain and spinal problems related to carrying extra weight in the chest area, and rashes could be the main reasons for this procedure.

Many women come to our Plastic Surgery Center in New York searching for breast reduction, complaining about upper back pain from large breasts. Whether your breasts have developed after giving birth, or you are a patient in your 20s who developed large breasts during puberty, it can make you feel uncomfortable.

And it is not just the neck or shoulder pain you may be experiencing. It may prevent you from engaging in different activities, such as some sports. Large and heavy boobs could also make you feel anxious and ashamed.

You may experience difficulty finding clothes that fit properly. Itchy, painful rashes (skin irritation) in the chest area are also connected to large breasts. Bra straps may be causing you painful indentations. You may also feel self-conscious due to your large breast.

How Large Breasts Affect Your Posture?

The most common effect of large breasts, by far, is the negative impact on your posture. Your head leans forward, which takes the stress off your back and puts it into your neck, shoulders, and upper arms. Over time, this can lead to muscle imbalances. This is a very serious problem because it can result in unnecessary pain in the both, back and neck, as well as in the shoulder area.

Big breasts stretch the ligaments that support your spine during pregnancy as well.

Benefits of Breast Reduction Surgery

Important Facts About Breast Reduction Procedure

Here are some of the important factors about breast reduction surgery that could help you decide:

Can Breast Reduction Surgery Relieve Back Pain From Breast?

Breast reduction surgery relieves both symptoms and causes of neck, shoulder, and back pain.

When Can I Expect Pain Relief?

You can feel the pain relief very soon after the procedure. However, keep in mind that every body is unique, and it may take some time for it to get used to the effects of breast reduction surgery.

Will Insurance Cover Breast Reduction?

The cost of any plastic surgery may vary in price, and breast reduction surgery is no exception. This procedure, however, is often needed because of serious symptoms and health problems that breast size is causing our patients. So, it should not surprise us that one of the most common questions is: “How to get a breast reduction covered by insurance?”

If your breast reduction surgery is needed for medical purposes (usually because of chronic back pain), your surgery in most cases should be covered by insurance. For this procedure, we accept most out-of-network major medical insurance:

If you want to know if your breast reduction surgery is covered by insurance, contact our Manhattan Plastic Surgery Centre office at (212) 750-9494. We will explain everything in detail and make sure you get the best price plan.

Want To Learn More About Breast Reduction For Breast Back Pain?

Schedule a free consultation by filling out the contact form or calling (212) 750-9494 with our board certified plastic surgeon in our New York City office, or online. Consultation is an excellent opportunity to get rid of all doubts, get answers to your questions from our plastic surgeon Dr. Lefkovits and make a final decision about breast reduction surgery.

You should especially consider breast reduction surgery if you have been living with shoulder and back pain for a long period. The key is to get this procedure done as soon as possible because it can help improve your overall health and prevent further problems with poor posture and pain.