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Fixing Uneven Breasts With Breast Surgery

Uneven breasts (technically called “breast asymmetry”) are actually quite common. Many women have a minor size discrepancy between their breasts, but in most cases, it is hardly noticeable and does not affect their overall appearance at all. Unfortunately, some other women may have a full cup size difference between their breasts – or more. This can be embarrassing and frustrating.

Women with significant breast asymmetry often:
• Wear oversized clothing to hide the size difference
• Avoid wearing a bathing suit
• Feel uncomfortable and self-conscious being intimate

Thankfully, any degree of breast asymmetry can be easily corrected through breast surgery. Uneven breasts can be fixed by making the large breast smaller (through a breast reduction technique), or making the small breast larger (with a breast implant). Usually, patients with breast asymmetry have one breast they prefer, and the procedure is tailored to match that breast. During your personal consultation, Dr. Lefkovits will discuss which approach would work best, and develop a surgical plan based on your unique needs.

If you have further questions about breast asymmetry, please contact Park Plaza Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation with New York City board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.