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Rhinoplasty Candidacy

If your nose is crooked, overlarge, or simply does not complement the proportions of your face, rhinoplasty can be a valuable solution. Nose surgery is also often used to correct the constricted breathing that comes with a deviated septum. Whether your nose problems are cosmetic or medical, Dr. Lefkovits can help.

However, it is important that you meet a few basic qualifications in order to be a good candidate for rhinoplasty. Some of these requirements include:

Rhinoplasty can transform the overall appearance of your face, but it may not be right for everyone. The best way to find out if you are a good rhinoplasty candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lefkovits.

If you live in the New York City area and are interested in rhinoplasty, please contact New York rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits today to schedule your consultation at Park Plaza Plastic Surgery. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.