Revision Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Revision rhinoplasty plastic surgery near me

Revision Rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is performed when further correction is needed after an initial rhinoplasty. Our patients usually undergo this nose surgery 6 months to 1-year post primary rhinoplasty to allow for most, if not all the swelling to subside. 

Before and After Photos

Revision rhinoplasty is very convenient as it allows our double board-certified plastic surgeon to work with you to fix a previous rhinoplasty procedure, giving you the appearance you really want, and bringing back your confidence.

Changes in tissue and cartilage tone can make revision nose surgery difficult for even the most skilled of plastic surgeons, which is why as a patient you want to work with a plastic surgeon you can completely trust.

Dr. Lefkovits, the owner of Park Plaza center for plastic surgery in New York, is double board certified as an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) doctor and a plastic surgeon. The combination of these skill sets can help you achieve the beautiful results you expect.

Revision vs Primary Rhinoplasty

As you probably already concluded, revision rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty or secondary nose job, is a procedure performed on patients who have already had nose surgery and are either feeling dissatisfied with the outcome or are not experiencing appropriate nose functionality.

On the other hand, primary rhinoplasty fixes nasal problems in patients who have not had a prior surgery.

Incidence of Revision Rhinoplasty

Nationally, the incidence of revision is around 20%. Here at our Plastic Surgery Centre in New York, the incidence is about 5-10%.


Our main focus when performing revision rhinoplasty is to correct the results of prior rhinoplasty surgery. There are many reasons why our patients seek another rhinoplasty surgery after primary rhinoplasty.

Two main reasons you might need to undergo this revision surgery:

  • Your aesthetic goals were not achieved – your nose after previous rhinoplasty surgery may seem too long, small, short, or twisted…
  • To improve nasal function – for example, you still encounter breathing difficulties

Ideal Candidate

Revision nose job near me performed by revision rhinoplasty surgeon
  • Healing issues that may cause prolonged swelling of the nose area
  • Shifting of nasal bones resulting in a crooked nose
  • Cartilage regrowth
  • Post-op bleeding which may cause scarring 
  • Septal cartilage absorption secondary to bleeding
  • Post-op infection
  • Post-op trauma
  • Inadequate removal or excessive removal of cartilage
  • Inadequate or excessive removal of bone from the bridge of the nose
  • Inadequate fracturing of nasal bones
  • Nasal tip revision – usually because of poor nasal tip support, or excessive or inadequate rotation of the nasal tip

Procedure in detail

Revision rhinoplasty can be a minimal “touch-up”, or more extensive surgery depending on the problem.

Our plastic surgeon may need to:

  • require removal of a piece of excessive cartilage
  • refracture nasal bones
  • do the correction of septal deviation
  • provide tip support by inserting a piece of cartilage into the tip
  • increase or decrease rotation of the tip
  • remove residual hump
  • replace cartilage or bone for a scooped nose
  • do the correction of residual wide nostrils

Regardless of what needs to be done, the problem(s) and planned treatment must be carefully reviewed with the patient, especially if the revision is performed by another surgeon. If that is the case, it’s helpful to obtain the operative report from the primary operating surgeon.


Like similar cosmetic procedures, there are certain problems our surgeon can face. Those include:

  • limited scar tissue to operate with, as the patient underwent numerous nose job procedures;
  • the quantity of scarring – scarring from previous surgeries may cause skin contracture, which can subsequently prevent possible modification;
  • unrealistic expectations our patients may have;
  • risks of another rhinoplasty outcome its benefits.

Patient Highlights

View photos of our satisfied rhinoplasty patients and their new nose appearance:

Rinoplastia before and after

The 30-year-old male shown before and 6 months after the procedure. The patient had primary rhinoplasty elsewhere and thereby had a scooped-like nose bridge because they took too much off his profile. The solution – correction using cartilage grafting:

Rhinoplasty Dr. Lefkovits

The 30-year-old male before secondary rhinoplasty and 6 months later. The patient had too much taken out from the tip region during the previous rhinoplasty, leaving him with unattractive depressions as well as difficulty in breathing.

rhinoplasty before and after 2

The 35-year-old female patient who underwent rhinoplasty in another country which left her with a very irregular and unattractive profile. The solution – closed rhinoplasty with the profile properly restored after adding some cartilage to the bridge and tip


When you schedule a consultation, during our initial contact we’ll make sure you fully understood this facial plastic surgery, its risks, complications, and the healing period of the treatment.

Call our office at (212) 750-9494 and schedule a FREE consultation.


Primary rhinoplasty is a difficult procedure, especially if revision is needed. You should seek a revision rhinoplasty specialist since they are skilled enough to fix previous problems and to face additional problems revision rhinoplasty may entail.

Dr. Lefkovits is Double Board Certified facial plastic surgeon by both the Board of Otolaryngology (ENT), as well as the Board of Plastic Surgery. He, therefore, has extensive training in nasal surgery, both in its function and aesthetics. His training along with his more than 30 years of private practice experience assures that you will be consulting with a surgeon with a very strong background in nasal surgery.

Schedule a FREE Consultation

If you’re considering revision nose job surgery in New York City, please contact our office at (212) 750-9494 and schedule a FREE consultation with our team to get all the information about this revision surgery.


Am I a Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?

If you are feeling unhappy and your aesthetic goals were not obtained, the good news is that you do not have to live with that feeling for the rest of your life!

Revision rhinoplasty can be performed if:
* your nose is fully healed from the previous nose job surgery (enough time has passed – usually at least one year)
* your nose structure fulfills certain conditions – the presence of scar tissue, skin integrity…

I Had a Bad Nose Job Preformed Several Years Ago. Can It Be Fixed With Another Plastic Surgery?

You sound like a good candidate for this cosmetic procedure. The next step for you would be to call our office in New York and schedule a consultation with one of the best revision plastic surgeons in New York, Dr. Lefkovits.

How Many Times Can I Have Revision Surgery?

There is no general answer as each case is individual. With each time nose surgery is harder to perform.

Does Revision Rhinoplasty Include Other Procedures?

To give you the desired look you want, the revision rhinoplasty may include other procedures, including injectable fillers in the nose to add volume to the nose or smooth out the profile of the face.

How Long Is the Procedure?

The procedure usually takes up to 2 hours. You should be able to return home the same day, as this is an outpatient procedure performed at our clinic.

What Type of Anesthesia Is Used for Revision Rhinoplasty?

The type depends on the nature of the revision.

If it’s minor, then local anesthesia may be used. If it’s more involved, then general anesthesia is used.

How is my nose going to look like After a Revision Surgery?

As with other surgical techniques, the nose may still appear odd weeks after the surgery. This is a normal part of the healing process.

For this process to result in success, during the initial consultation we’ll go through your wishes to make sure that we set realistic expectations.

Should I Be Worried About Risks?

Certain risks are part of this, as any other plastic surgery procedure, and they are similar to the ones regarding primary rhinoplasty.

Common risks include allergic reaction to anesthesia, scarring (internal or external), bleeding, changes in the sensation of the skin, infection, breathing difficulty, and poor wound healing.

Recovery Process – What Can I Expect After Revision Rhinoplasty?

As our patient, you can expect a similar recovery process as you had with your previous rhinoplasty surgery. Much like your first rhinoplasty procedure, you may experience some initial bruising and swelling on your nose after completing the new procedure.

Our team will help you feel as comfortable as possible after your procedure and during the recovery period.

When Can I See First Results?

Take into account that you should wait up to one year for the final results of this facial plastic surgery. Our plastic surgeon always tries to perform this surgery in order to achieve natural looking results you will feel satisfied with.

What Can I Discuss With The Plastic Surgeon During FREE Consultation?

For the time of consultation, in our New York office with our doctor, Dr. Lefkovits you will discuss:

* your medical history;
* your expectations;
* facial features regarding the nose area you do not feel satisfied with;
* minimally invasive technique for the procedure to be performed;
* photo gallery;
* possible complications;
* recovery period.