How Often Will I Need Follow-Up BOTOX® Injections?

Every year, BOTOX® Cosmetic remains one of the most popular wrinkle reduction treatments in America. The convenience and effectiveness of BOTOX® makes it easy to improve your look in a single 15-20 minute session, but BOTOX® results do not last forever. In order to keep enjoying the effects of BOTOX®, you will need to receive follow-up injections on a regular basis.

Your first BOTOX® treatment should last anywhere from 3 to 4months. Some of our patients prefer to wait until the effects of BOTOX® have completely worn off before coming back for a repeat injection, but others return to Dr. Lefkovits at the first sign of wrinkles. When you receive your follow-up injection will be up to you.

Repeat injections do not make BOTOX® any less effective. While an incredibly small percentage of patients – one in every 10,000 – can develop a resistance to BOTOX® treatment, this number is so insignificant that studies have not been performed to determine why a resistance might occur. If you do happen to develop a rare resistance to BOTOX®, Dr. Lefkovits offers other non-surgical cosmetic procedures and injectables as an alternative.

If you live in New York and have further questions about BOTOX®, please contact New York City cosmetic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits today to schedule your consultation at Park Plaza Plastic Surgery. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.

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