The Ideal Facelift Candidate

Has your facial skin started to sag? Do your cheeks look gaunt and hollowed out, and/or are jowls starting to form in your neck area? If so, you may be a good candidate for a facelift. Facelift surgery is designed to reduce the common signs of facial aging that are caused by:

  • Loss of facial volume
  • Changes in your skin
  • The pull of gravity

Over the years, your skin will become more prone to stretching and wrinkling, and the effects of gravity on your facial tissues will become more obvious. Although it is impossible to stop the aging process completely, a facelift can help you look refreshed and rejuvenated, restoring a more youthful overall appearance.

The ideal facelift candidate should be in strong physical and psychological health, and understand the limitations of the procedure. Although a facelift can provide dramatic improvement, it is not capable of achieving perfection. Additionally, you should have good skin elasticity so your skin responds well to the tightening process during the facelift procedure. If you are a smoker, you will need to quit at least two weeks prior to your surgery to ensure it does not interfere with healing.

The best way to find out if you are a good facelift candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lefkovits. If you are interested in a facelift, please contact Park Plaza Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation with New York City board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.

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