Tumescent Liposuction Questions

Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic body contouring options available at Dr. Lefkovits’ New York City offices. There are many techniques used, but the most popular one is known as tumescent liposuction. During your initial consultation with Dr. Lefkovits, he will answer any additional questions about tumescent liposuction you may have. Here are a few frequently asked questions and answers.

What is tumescent liposuction?

Liposuction is the removal of fat cells from under the skin using a small vacuum. With tumescent liposuction, a solution with a volume of approximately one to two times the amount of fat to be removed is first injected into the treatment area. This helps expand and loosen the fat cells for easier extraction.

Does tumescent liposuction help with weight loss?

Liposuction is not a weight-loss option. It is designed to help remove pockets of fat that prove resistant to normal diet and exercise. Only approximately five liters of fat can safely be removed during a liposuction section. Any more than that can put your body into a fluid imbalance and cause serious health risks.

Am I a good candidate for tumescent liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction are people who are generally in good health, do not smoke, and are at a good weight. Liposuction is used primarily to help sculpt areas of the body where diet and exercise do not appear to work.

What areas can be treated with tumescent liposuction?

This technique can be used virtually anywhere on the body where there are stubborn pockets of fat, including:

  • Face
  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Neck
  • Buttocks
  • Calves
  • Ankles

Liposuction can be performed as either an inpatient or an outpatient surgery, depending on your overall health and the extent of the area to be removed. Tumescent liposuction can be performed with other procedures, like a tummy tuck, which may dictate the location of the surgery. If you undergo liposuction by itself, you can begin to exercise in about two weeks and return to nonstrenuous work after several days. If you also undergo additional body contouring surgery, such as an abdominoplasty or facelift, the recovery time will be a bit longer.

After losing weight and getting healthy, it can be discouraging to have areas of your body that you feel still do not look as good as they should. Please contact New York City cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lefkovits, to find out if tumescent liposuction would be right for you.

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