For many women, breast augmentation is a life-changing procedure. It can help them feel more confident about their body, as well as give a boost in self-esteem.
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that involves the placement of breast implants to enlarge the size of your breasts. This procedure aims to enlarge, reshape, and reconstruct the female breast. It is one of the most popular surgical procedures done in the U.S., routinely performed by plastic surgeons. Even so, there are some common things most women worry about after getting breast implants:
“Will they leak?”
“Will breast tissue feel different?”
“What should I do after getting my implant?”
These are normal questions and concerns when it comes to breast augmentation surgery. In this article, we will cover breast augmentation recovery in detail, so that you can be more prepared when deciding to go for it.
Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline
Breast augmentation is a major surgery that should not be taken lightly. That is why it is important to know what to expect and how long it will take for you to recover.
The average time spent recovering from this surgery is between 6-8 weeks. This period is unique for every patient, but some factors can slow down or speed up the healing process:
the type of surgery performed,
the level of the patient’s pain tolerance,
the patient’s general health.
The first stage of breast augmentation recovery is the post-op period, which begins immediately after surgery. This surgery involves general anesthesia, meaning that you will be asleep during the surgery. Feeling dizzy and groggy is very likely, but also common when patients are waking up from the anesthesia.
Following breast augmentation, you will be placed in a special post surgical bra (recovery bra) provided by our office. Just after the operation you will slowly start noticing swelling and may feel sore or experience some pain and discomfort in your breasts and chest area. Bruising around the incision site may also be present.
Most patients are able to leave the surgical facility within 1 to 2 hours.
The first week after surgery is usually uncomfortable. Your breasts may still feel sore or tender to the touch. Pain medication is advised if you are in pain. Talk to your plastic surgeon about medication for pain relief.
Upon returning home, it is important to stay out of bed as much as possible and keep yourself moving. Walking around is great for the recovery process. However, do not do any strenuous activities at this point, and avoid heavy lifting as this could cause bleeding and/or affect your incision healing.
It is also very important to take deep breaths to expand your lungs after surgery.
Many patients may return to non-strenuous work after a long weekend, and most will return to work within the first week (if it is not physically demanding).
You can now start exercising. This may include light exercise – lower legs, biking, and gentle jogging or stair-stepping machines. Pectoral muscle exercises may be started after 6 weeks. It is, however, important to note that there are individual variations in the healing process and, ultimately, your surgeon will guide you along the way.
Swelling will begin to subside but it takes up to several months for the swelling level to fully decrease. Your breasts will continue to change. Initially, they may appear to be a bit high and somewhat firm.
At this point, you are well on the way to complete recovery. The swelling in the breast area is probably completely gone.
Start using scar massage and scarless scar ointment to help minimize the appearance of your incision scars.
If you experience any unusual symptoms or have any concerns about the appearance of your breasts contact your surgeon for advice immediately.
The Final Stage of Breast Augmentation Recovery
This stage typically lasts from six months to one year following the surgery. It is during this stage that the breast implants will settle in and be in the optimal placement. The skin around the breasts will become softer, and the breasts will be firmer.
Bear in mind that the complete healing process takes about 1 year, so your breasts may experience different changes during this period. Final results may be expected one year after breast augmentation.
Help Your Body Fully Recover With These Tips
Follow your doctor’s instructions. Go regularly on follow-up consultations and do not be afraid to ask questions and be curious. Just by fully understanding of breast augmentation recovery process, you can pass this period with ease.
Make sure to take care of your incision site. Keep this area dry and clean. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor. You will likely need to buy a new, underwire bra.
Take care of your dieting habits and intake of water. Eat nutritious, healthy foods to promote healing.
Attempt to stay active. Slowly raise the walking distance day by day. Staying active stimulates blood flow.
To Sum Up
Overall, it is important to remember that recovery after a breast augmentation is different for every patient. Some patients experience more pain than others, and it is completely normal. Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully for your breast augmentation recovery to go as smoothly as possible!
If you’re from NYC and interested in breast augmentation, please contact our Manhattan plastic surgeon at Park Plaza Plastic Surgery by calling (212) 750-9494 and schedule your free breast augmentation consultation.