Eyes are a major focus of attention. This focus is seen in magazines, TV ads as well as in celebrity infomercials. Eyebrows are an integral part of aesthetics. Women traditionally use eye pencils, tinting, tattooing, and other forms of temporary aesthetic improvement. But there is a way of achieving permanent eyebrow restoration via hair transplantation.
Eyebrows can have fullness restored using Hair Transplantation. This involves removing a piece of skin with hair from the back of the scalp under local anesthesia. This donor hair is then cut into fine one hair grafts which are then transplanted in the deficient eyebrow area. The design of the eyebrows is planned together with the patient’s input to achieve an optima result. The procedure takes about 4 hours after which the patient returns home. One can return to non-strenuous work within 1-2 days usually.
The after care is simple. Because the transplanted hair continues to grow, they will need to be clipped every few weeks.
The greatest benefit of the procedure is that one no longer has to worry about enhancing the eyebrows. Results are permanent, leaving time to worry about other areas for beautification.
Here at Park Plaza the team is led by Dr. George Lefkovits, a highly sought after plastic surgeon, who attracts patients from all across the United States and abroad. His team includes a hair technician with many years of experience performing eyebrow restoration where the concentration is achieving a natural result. We are located in an elegant townhouse in the Upper East Side where we combine talent, experience and professionalism. Finally, our surgical fees are fair and commensurate with the skills and experience of our team of professionals. Schedule your FREE virtual or in office consultation and learn more about Eyebrow Hair Transplantation in NYC.