Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most popular procedures in New York City. Breast Augmentation in NYC is more of an art than a science. Sure, the manufacture of the implant with its many intricacies is a science. But the procedure itself is an art. The result has a lot to do with the aesthetics, judgment and experience of the plastic surgeon. That’s why is important to choose a plastic surgeon with experience performing breast surgery.
Some women have a certain image of what they are looking for including size and may bring photos of breasts (although usually covered). But it is up to the surgeon to help them decide what type of implant ( saline or silicone), shape ( round or tear drop) and size would best fit their body. Proportion is important. It is preferred to have a balance between the chest and the derriere. Also, ethnicity should be considered. Asians do not typically have larger breasts, so when deciding on the size to be used on them, this ethnic trait should be considered. Most women want a natural result. This is a goal that can be achieved provided that the above-mentioned factors are taken into consideration.
Breast augmentation can be a life-changing experience as it enhances one’s sense of sexuality and self-esteem. When performing breast augmentation in NYC a key aim is to create a NATURAL result.
Director of Park Plaza Plastic Surgery, Dr. George Lefkovits is a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology. He has extensive training and experience in performing breast augmentation surgery.
If you have more questions about breast augmentation in NYC, please contact Park Plaza Plastic Surgery today or call (212) 750-9494 to schedule your FREE virtual or in office consultation with New York City board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits.