Breast Augmentation Recovery Time

A frequent question posed by patients desiring breast augmentation is recovery time and when they can return to work.

It is important to note that healing varies from patient to patient and while some patients may return to work earlier others may need more time. There are some generalizations that can be said:

First, the size of the breast implants can influence the level of pain and postoperative discomfort – the larger the breast size the more discomfort and the longer recovery.

Second, the placement of the implant below the muscle may impact postoperative discomfort and thereby the recovery. While it is more common to place the implants below the muscle, this is often associated with more discomfort. But if the size of the implants is not unduly large this effect is not usually overly significant.

Third, the patient’s employment is an important factor. Women who perform office work can usually return to work faster than those who perform more physical work. Many of these patients can return to work after just a long weekend.

Finally, the patient’s level of pain threshold is an important variable. Some patients can tolerate discomfort and pain more readily than others and, thereby, they can return to work faster.

If you have further questions about breast enlargement, please contact board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits today to schedule your consultation. We provide state-of-the-art breast augmentation to patients throughout the NYC area. You can also reach us by phone at (212) 750-9494.

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