Maybe you are one of many women with breast implants feeling uncertain if is it possible to breastfeed your child after a breast augmentation procedure. If this is the case, having a lot of questions regarding what you can and can not do and experiencing anxiety is completely normal.
Commonly asked questions and concerns among our patients who underwent breast surgery are related to breastfeeding with breast implants.
No matter the shape, size, or type of breast implants (silicone implants or saline implants), most women should be able to produce sufficient breast milk and breastfeed just fine. However, there are some exceptions. In this text, we are going to provide you with useful information and help you safely breastfeed with implants.
You May Be Wondering – Is This Safe?
Breastfeeding has a variety of benefits. It is significant for both mothers and infants. So, it comes as no surprise that your first interest might be safety.
If you think about having a baby or you are pregnant at the moment, and you have already had breast surgery, there are some things regarding breastfeeding you should know about:
- Submuscular placement – an implant is placed under the breast muscle (pectoral muscle) and below the glands;
- Subglandular placement – an implant is placed under the breast tissue.
While performing breast augmentation, plastic surgeons usually place breast implants under the breast muscle and behind the milk glands (submuscular placement). This way, milk glands, and milk ducts are barely affected.
After breast surgery, your incisions can be located:
- under the breast (in the folds of your breast tissue);
- along areola (around the nipple – areola is the dark area around your nipple);
- less common through the armpit.
Incisions around the inferior areola can damage the milk ducts so an incision underneath the breast is preferred.
It’s also helpful to have sufficient breast tissue. The possibility to breastfeed successfully is higher if the location around the nipple is not impacted and you have a sufficient supply of glandular tissue. Why? Simply because glandular tissue is the one producing breast milk, and nerves play an important part in nipple sensitivity.
Milk Production – Can Breastfeeding After Breast Augmentation Affect Milk Supply?
Besides probable risks collocated with breast augmentation surgery, mothers with breast implants are usually concerned if they will be able to produce and provide enough milk supply.
What is beneficial for you to know is that some women can experience insufficient milk production whether they underwent breast surgery or not. Your breasts may naturally be shaped in a way that carries the risk of low milk production. There are certain signs and predispositions you can discuss with your healthcare provider in order to be fully prepared when the baby is born.
Speaking of reasons for your breasts not producing enough milk connected to your previous breast surgery, as we have already mentioned above, the location of the incision can play an important part. If you are yet to go through breast augmentation, talk to your plastic surgeon about different surgical options.
Women With Breast Implants Often Ask This
Naturally, after giving birth you may experience changes in breast tissue – your breasts may change in size or shape. This can differ as every women’s body is unique. If you are worried that your breasts do not have the same look as those after breast surgery, contact your plastic surgeon for additional revision and consultation on that matter.
This is a common question coming from mothers that did not undergo this type of procedure as well. If this is the case, supplementation with milk formula is one of the options.
Both saline-filled and silicone gel breast implants are approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Therefore, if this even occurs, which is highly unlikely, there should be no serious consequences.
Word of Advice – Tips For Successful Breastfeeding
There are certain things you can do to assure breastfeeding success:
Breastfeeding often during the day will cause your breasts to produce more milk.
In between the feedings, use a breast pump on both breasts to encourage milk production.
Make sure your baby is placed in a good position while breastfeeding. The baby’s mouth should be wide open, not just around your nipple, but around your breast as well. If your baby is not positioned well, it can cause the nipples to sore.
Reach out to your healthcare professional for further information on supplementation with formula if you feel that you are not producing milk.
In Conclusion
Breastfeeding is challenging for every mother, and it may take time for you to adjust and feel comfortable. If you had not given it a thought when you had your breast surgery, do not be afraid to ask questions and research this topic.
In case you encounter any problems while breastfeeding such as reduced breast milk production, a lactation consultant may be a good option. A lactation consultant can provide you with useful information and help you overcome breastfeeding difficulties. As a mother, or future mother, additional support can help you significantly in the first weeks, so do not hesitate to reach out for it.
If you are thinking about breast implant surgery and still have doubts after reading this blog, contact our office in New York City or schedule a free consultation with our plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits.