Cirugía plástica de clase mundial – Dr. George Lefkovits

No matter where in the world you live, Dr. George Lefkovits invites you to consider plastic surgery at his New York City practice. Patients from Europe, Asia, and Africa all come to Dr. Lefkovits for their plastic surgery procedures, because of the quality of his work. We strive to make your visit as easy as possible, helping with all travel arrangements, including transportation, accommodation, and even attractions.

If you are considering plastic surgery, we invite you to come to New York, New York for your procedure. Please contact us today to learn how we can help you make this life-changing trip.

Because of the world-class medical schools and hospitals, cosmopolitan allure, and sophisticated clientele, many of the best plastic surgeons are drawn to New York City which includes Dr. George Lefkovits who has been in practice since 1981. Patients who come to Dr. Lefkovits get great results from the procedures he performs, including:

And many others. View our plastic surgery procedures page to learn more about the types of plastic surgery we perform here. New York plastic surgeon Dr. Lefkovits is also highly skilled at performing male plastic surgery procedures since they are a priority for his practice and men make up a large percentage of his patients.

Our office is accustomed to helping foreign patients make arrangements for travel and treatment in New York City. People in our office are fluent in Spanish and French, are conversant in Italian, and can help people find translators for many other languages if necessary. We can help you not just with your procedure while in the office, but if you desire supplemental care like a nurse, we can make recommendations.

In addition to travel for your plastic surgery, New York is a great place for a vacation. Numerous attractions offer something for everyone in your family. From some of the most storied sports teams to world-class museums to glamorous, high-production live shows, nearly anyone can find a way to spend memorable days and nights in New York, the City That Never Sleeps.

You may have sights you’ve always wanted to see, but if you need suggestions, we can help you figure out all the best things to do and see while here in the Big Apple. We can make recommendations for shows, restaurants, and hotels.

If you are seeking world-class plastic surgery in a world-class setting, New York City has it all, and Dr. Lefkovits is the man to see. To learn more, please contact our office today.

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