Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most popular procedures in New York City. According to the Americal Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation with breast implants, is the most popular cosmetic surgery, with 300,378 breast augmentations performed in the same year.

Breast Implants come in different, sizes, fills, projections, shapes, positioning and textures. Choosing the right one for the patient is not random but is, instead, dependent on many factors. The plastic surgeon’s in NYC experience is critical in helping the patient make the proper choice.

Size of the breast implants is probably the patient’s greatest concern. What is important is that the patient’s perceived bra cup size may not coincide with objective cup sizes. Also, certain retail undergarment brands tend to distort sizes by exaggerating them.

A great way of demonstrating cup sizes is by showing lots of before and after photos of breasts and properly labeling them with the appropriate cup size. It is surprisingly common how the patient’s perceived “C” cup size is so very different from an actual C cup size.

Implant (breast implants)  fill is probably the second most important patient’s concern. There is a lot of confusion about silicone versus saline implants. Both fill types are safe and may provide very satisfactory results. In patients who have thin skin and minimal breast tissue, it is probably preferable to use silicone implants because the consistency of silicone feels more natural than that of saline. Patients who are still fearful of possible silicone side effects may be more comfortable with saline breast implants. Patients with subtle breast size differences may possibly be better corrected with saline breast implants because they can correct minor size differences (10- 20 ccs) since silicone breast implants come pre-packaged in 25- 30 cc increments.

Breast Implants come in different projections from moderate to moderate plus to high profile. Most patients will benefit from moderate plus profiles. However, patients with a narrow chest frame would be best augmented using high profile implants because the volume is confined to a smaller diameter size which would be better accommodated in a small chest frame.

Breast Implants come in 2 different types of shapes, round and tear- drop. Round shapes are by far the most common shapes being used. Tear-drop shapes were introduced many years ago with the anticipation that they would lead to a more natural result. Experience and follow-up have shown this not to be quite true. Round breast implants can lead to just as natural results without the possible distortion caused by rotation of tear-drop implants.

Breast implant can be placed above or below the pectoralis muscle. There is a suggestion in the literature that below the muscle placement may lead to a smaller incidence of capsule formation (hardening) and it is a more popular technique. Certainly, in patients with minimal breast tissue, most surgeons would position the implant underneath muscle so as to lead to a more natural result.

Breast Implant come in different outer textured covers, with the most common type being smooth. Textures and polyurethane covers have been used with the belief that it would lead to a lower incidence of capsule formation. While this may possibly be true, negative consequences using these types have made them very unpopular and most manufacturers have removed them from the market. Breast Implants Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, a type of a cancer, while very uncommon has been directly associated strictly with textured implants. There has been up to the present time no direct association of this with smooth implants.

If you have more questions about breast implant placement, please contact Park Plaza Plastic Surgery today or call (212) 750-9494 to schedule your FREE virtual or in office consultation with New York City board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits.

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