Lipoma removal

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Lipoma Removal Near Me

Lipoma removal surgery may be a solution for those who recently discovered a lipoma on their body and which is a source of concern due to their appearance or potential discomfort.

Lipoma removal as a medical procedure may require careful consideration of different factors, and it is good to know all about the procedure and why it is essential to choose an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. George Lefkovits from Park Plaza NYC.

What is Lipoma?

Lipoma is a lump formed of adipose tissue (fatty tissue), usually growing just under the skin. Lipomas are typically soft to the touch, movable, generally painless, and may occur anywhere on the body. Most lipomas appear on the shoulder, neck, back, arms, and thighs and can vary in size from just a few millimeters to several centimeters in diameter. Rarely, lipomas can also develop on internal organs, internal muscles, or the brain.

It’s important to know that lipomas are generally harmless, nonpainful, and non-cancerous. They grow slowly, unlike other growths or tumors like cysts. Many people have some kind of lipoma, but they are most commonly found in people between the ages of 40 and 60, although they can appear at any age. There is no exact explanation of what causes lipomas to develop, but genetics and age may play a role.

If you are unsure about changes in your body and the growth of some fat cells, consider consulting with a doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Reasons for lipoma removal surgery

People search for lipoma removal for different reasons some of them are cosmetic, and others are medical. There are common reasons for lipoma removal such as:

Cosmetics concerns

Lipoma may be located in visible areas of the body and may be reasons for problems with appearance and self-esteem, and people want to remove lipoma to feel good in their skin.


Massive lipoma can press the nerves, muscles, or tissue and cause certain kinds of pain, discomfort, or limited movement. Lipomas in certain locations might interfere with normal bodily functions or activities.

Rapid Growth

Lipoma generally grows slowly, but in some cases, they can change in size very fast, which can prompt removal for further analysis. Besides rapid growth, painful lipomas are also the reason for considering lipoma removal procedures.

Pressure on Nearby Structures

Lipomas may press the nerves, blood vessels, or other organs and can cause other health complications.

Concern for Malignancy

Sometimes, removing lipoma might be advised if there’s concern about it being a possible liposarcoma which is a form of cancer. Thus at times, there is a need for lipoma excision to examine the tissue under a microscope for a definitive diagnosis.

Types of Lipoma Removal Procedures

Lipoma surgery is an individual choice, and people often decide to remove lipoma for their overall physical well-being and peace of mind. 

While there may be different types of Lipoma removal such as: liposuction, aspiration, and injections, the most definitive and most common procedure is surgical excision. 

Lipoma Removal NYC

Once the local anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor will make a small incision or entry point near the lipoma. After the incision, the lipoma and any surrounding tissue will be carefully excised, removed, or suctioned out, depending on the chosen technique.

The doctor will precisely eliminate the lipoma while minimizing damage to nearby healthy tissue. Once the doctor removes the lipoma, the incision will be closed using sutures, adhesive strips, or other closure methods, and put a sterile dressing across to protect the incision site and promote healing.

After removing the lipoma surgically, the doctor typically sends the lipoma to the laboratory for pathological examination. 

Aftercare and recovery

Dr. George Lefkovits will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.  Instructions might cover topics such as dressings change, area cleaning, managing discomfort, and following activity limitations.

You need to follow scheduled follow-up appointments in which the doctor monitors your healing progress and ensures no complications. During these appointments, the doctor may remove any sutures and dressings.

Over the coming weeks, you can anticipate gradual incision site healing. Some temporary side effects such as swelling, bruising, or mild discomfort may occur, but these typically diminish as your body heals.

With time, the ultimate appearance of the incision area will become more evident. The primary objective is to minimize scarring and attain a natural-looking outcome.

Recovery depends on the size and number of lipomas treated, the chosen technique, and your circumstances. Patients with multiple lipomas and larger lipomas may need more time for recovery.

Schedule a Consultation

The best Plastic Surgeon NYC

If you are interested in surgical treatment for lipoma removal in New York City, schedule your lipoma removal consultation by calling (212) 750-9494. Our experienced team looks forward to helping you feel more secure in your appearance and performing a minimally invasive method.