Study Explores Why Women Get More Wrinkles

There are many reasons why about 90% of plastic surgery patients are women. Women are under more pressure to look younger and more beautiful for the majority of their lives. Age is not considered attractive in a woman the way it might be in a man. But women’s faces also tend to wrinkle more around the mouth than men’s, and Dutch researchers believe they have discovered why.

The researchers did a detailed analysis of the flesh and skin around the mouth in 25 male and 25 female cadavers, aged 75 to 93, and found a significant anatomical difference between men and women. The researchers compared skin thickness, wrinkles, muscle attachments, and other characteristics of the soft tissue around the mouths and found that women have:

  • Fewer sweat and sebaceous glands
  • Fewer blood vessels
  • Muscle fibers attached closer to the skin

The results suggest that women’s skin around the mouth gets less lubrication and nutrients, which can make it less resistant to the effects of aging, and, with closer muscle attachments their skin is subjected Earlier theories suggested that men had thicker facial skin to support a beard, but this was not upheld by detailed analysis.

The results suggest that women who want to reduce wrinkles around their mouths should make sure they use an appropriate amount of moisturizers around the mouth area. It also supports the use of BOTOX® Cosmetic for “smoker’s lines” or “lipstick lines” around the mouth.

If you would like to learn more about anti-aging treatments to help you look younger longer, please schedule a consultation with board-certified New York plastic surgeon Dr. George Lefkovits today.

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