Patients are often confused about whether they are in need of liposuction or Tummy Tuck. Generally speaking, the distinction is quite simple.
Patients who are young with good skin tone and no history of rapid and/or extensive weight loss and no history of pregnancy are usually very candidates for liposuction.
Patients who have had pregnancies, extreme weight loss, lots of stretch marks and weak abdominals need a Tummy Tuck. A Tummy Tuck is a more extensive procedure requiring a longer, although low lying scar, and longer recuperation. The operation tightens the abdominal muscles and removes the excess skin leaving an attractive flat abdomen ready for bikini wear.
At times there is a gray zone where the skin tone is not bad and there is a fair amount of fat above the abdominal muscles. In this case liposuction may be chosen, although there is a possible need for a second stage skin excision later on.
Consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon will help decide on the proper procedure.
Dr. George Lefkovits is a recognized leader in women and men’s cosmetic surgery. Among his many specialties are breast augmentation. Brazilian Butt Lift, Mommy Makeover for women.