Questions about Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is a serious procedure. It is important to find out as much about the procedure from Dr. Lefkovits as possible. This page has answers to a few common questions about breast augmentation. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Park Plaza Plastic Surgery and schedule your consultation.

Many women do have problems breastfeeding after breast augmentation surgery. Let down may be inhibited and nipple sensation is sometimes affected during surgery, especially when using an areolar incision. However, the incidence of this is small since the implant lies underneath the mammary gland where lactation occurs. Learn more about Incision Options for Your Breast Surgery.

The recovery time after breast augmentation surgery may vary depending on the approach and placement that is used. A subpectoral placement using an axillary approach will take longer to heal and maybe more painful due to the extent of the surgery. Learn more about Placement Options for Your Breast Surgery.

Post-operation, your breasts are wrapped in gauze and a tighter constrictive over garment for a few days. There will be pain and swelling for a few days and you may have drainage tubes to collect excess fluid.

After being pulled from the U.S. market in the early 1990s, silicone gel implants have undergone intense scrutiny by the FDA. The newer silicone gel implants are FDA approved and manufacturers must meet rigid standards in order to continue marketing them. An Institute of Medicine study concludes that disease such as connective tissue disease, cancer, or other systemic diseases are no more common than the female population in general.

It is sometimes difficult to determine when an implant ruptures. Depending on the extent of the rupture, you may experience some of the following signs:

  • Breast pain or tenderness
  • Decrease in breast size
  • Distortion of the shape of the breast
  • Lumps in the breast

If you suspect a problem, contact Dr. Lefkovits immediately so he can determine if there really is a problem that needs to be addressed. In some cases, breast implant revision surgery may be recommended to correct the problem.

Older silicone gel implants used prior to the 1992 ban had a greater rupture rate than the new FDA approved options. The failure rates range from .5 to 7.7 percent in one study by the FDA.

In order to minimize risks and complications of breast augmentation surgery, it is important to find a qualified cosmetic surgeon. If you have any additional questions about breast augmentation surgery, please contact Dr. Lefkovits’ office today and schedule an initial consultation.

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